You can now read online our latest newsletter

We hope that some of you will be interested in our forthcoming Workshop later this month. Also in our Newsletter we have some startling stories on the difficulties patients have accessing their GPs and how the NHS now has one of the lowest numbers of doctors, nurses & beds the lowest for in Europe for beds plus details of our next Campaign Meeting and some upcoming events.Want to know more about what’s happening to our NHS?
Then why not come to our WORKSHOP on 30th May:

Some of the issues we will be discussing include – Is there money for the NHS or not?Could Richard Branson be running Ealing’s NHS? What will be left of Ealing Hospital if the cuts go through?This will be an interactive, fun and informative workshop with time for group discussions, quizzes and questions. Refreshments will also be provided. The Workshop kicks off at 7.30pm for about 2 hours in Northfields Community Centre.

If you would like to book a place – please click here and fill the form in (it’s free).


Campaign Meeting Tuesday 15th May- All welcome: 
We would love to see more people get involved, so new people are very welcome to our friendly meeting on the 15th at 7.30pm, Northfields Community Centre, 71a Northcroft Road, Ealing W13 9SS. Tea and Coffee provided.

GP’s getting harder to see – so how can they treat more people?
Ealing health bosses claim that far more people can be treated in the community, instead of hospitals, so they can cut Ealing Hospital. But the exact opposite is happening – GP services are getting ever harder to access as can be seen by a recent Report by the University of Leicester. They looked at the experiences of over 1 million patients in England. The number of patients who said they were able to get an appointment with their own family doctor fell by 27.5% between 2012 and 2017. The picture is no different here in Ealing as many of you will know when trying to get an appointment with your own GP.
More on this story here


The UK has one of lowest numbers of beds, doctors & nurses:

Stark new findings from top think-tank, The Kings Fund, has revealed that the NHS has among the lowest numbers of doctors, nurses and hospital beds per head of population in the western world.
Only Poland has fewer doctors and nurses than the UK, while only Canada, Denmark and Sweden have fewer hospital beds, and that Britain also falls short when it comes to scanners. These are just some of the reasons why we have to keep campaigning and demand proper funding for our NHS.
You can read more on this story here 


Launch Meeting for new Ealing Social Care Group:

A Meeting to set up an Ealing Social Care Action Group that can campaign for better social care for the residents of Ealing is to take place on Thursday 24th May from 2.00 – 4.15 pm in the Parish Hall of Christ the Saviour Church, New Broadway W5 2XA. Refreshments will be provided. It’s organised by the Seniors Action Group Ealing (SAGE) All are welcome to attend.

Come and join us at Hanwell Carnival – Saturday 16th June:It is Carnival time in Hanwell on the 16th June and Ealing Save Our NHS will once again be joining the fun. This year the 70th Birthday of our NHS is as our theme for the Procession and Stall in Elthorne Park. We would welcome more people to join us on the Procession(please contact Sarah Boston on 07752 685558 for more details) If you would like to help on our Stall in the Park then please contact Eve Turner on 07960 309457.

70th NHS Birthday Celebration and Demonstration – June 30th:
Ealing Save Our NHS will be meeting up at Ealing Broadway Station at 11.30pm to join in the celebration of our wonderful NHS. We will have placards and our banner but please bring your own if you want.

Join us for birthday cake, song and celebration on 5th July
On 5th July 1948 the NHS came in to being and we aim to celebrate it’s 70th year in style outside Ealing Hospital on 5th July from 12.00 – 2.00pm. There will be delicious cake, music and of course a few speeches so please put it in your diaries – more details to follow.

Best Regards

Eve Turner
Ealing Save Our NHS


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