Up to a 100 people turned up for our NHS 70th Birthday Party at Ealing Hospital including local politicians, two MP’s, campaigners and supporters and lots of hospital staff. 
Our lovely cake pictured below was a big hit with hospital staff, who took lots back to the Wards too. Best of all was seeing their smiling faces and to hear how delighted they were to see us all there in support. 
Ealing Council has issued a good press release about the Birthday Bash which you can read here:-
Here are a few fun pictures from Thursday – more on our Facebook Page.

All together now – hospital workers, politicians & campaigners!
And there was 70th hats and singing too!

Who else should cut the beautiful cake!
Our lovely staff, enjoying the cake & lots went back to the Wards too.
A wonderful uplifting day for all us. As one of our songs says – ‘if we all stand together we can win’!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY NHS.
** Listen to the awesome National Health Singers **
The wonderful National Health Singers have just released their incredibly moving new single – ‘Wont Let Go’, funded entirely by Crowd Funding. The Choir are not just your usual choir but are a protest choir made up of a range of NHS staff and allies who sing at protests and demonstration such as the recent NHS demonstration. The song has just been released in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the NHS and it would be great if we can all help to make it go viral!!
You can listen here and please share everywhere:

On the March in London – 30th June

Up to 50,000 people marched in London on 30th June including many health workers, campaigners, unions and people of all ages. A good crowd joined Ealing Save Our NHS at Ealing Broadway, with placards and our very popular hats!


If you would like to get a bit more involved in our Campaign you will be very welcome to join us at our next Meeting 
Tuesday 17th July at 7.30pm in Northfields Community Centre.
You will also find us on our Stall at the Norwood Green Village Day on Saturday 14th July from 12.00-5.00pm
Thanks to everyone who has supported NHS 70th Birthday events.


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