And a big thank you to everyone who has supported us over the year
This has been a very difficult year for campaigners but despite not being able to be out on the streets we have still maintained a presence as a Campaign.
2020 has certainly been challenging!
We organised three successful protests (two socially distanced) and have continued to challenge NHS bosses at every possible opportunity. With support from Ealing MPs we didn’t allow them to get away with removing services from Ealing Hospital. We have also kept up a flow of information on the Government’s mishandling of the pandemic and highlighted the appalling cronyism and increasing privatisation.
15 February 2020 – ‘Keep Our NHS Public’ Day of Action with our trademark bed and skeleton
15 February 2020 – ‘Keep Our NHS Public’ Day of Action with our trademark bed and skeleton
**STOP PRESS – An Important Vaccine Update **
Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health & Social Care, has just announced the latest contract for delivering the Vaccine!
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Laughable of course, but not far off from the fiasco of the Government giving a contract to a ferry company that didn’t own any ferries and awarding billions in contracts to companies with no public health expertise to run NHS Test & Trace!!
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Throughout the Covid crisis ‘Keep Our NHS Public’ has shown the importance of having a strong national voice to highlight the Government’s incompetence in dealing with the crisis and put forward alternatives; and to fight for a properly resourced and staffed NHS.
KONP is dependent on the generosity of its members and supporters.
Please consider making a donation – a small monthly donation is especially welcome
Bored over Xmas?
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Then why not try out this excellent Board Game now called ‘Hospital Millions Cronyvirus’. It’s free, lots of fun and very easy to play on your computer.
You can play without limits for hugely increased sums of money. The new board features all the latest forms of privatisation on offer, as well as some old favourites, for those brave or unscrupulous enough to cash in.

It’s the ONLY safe way to privatise the NHS!

All you have to do is click on the link and turn on your speakers.
Designed by John Lister (Health Campaigns Together) for up to 4 players on a computer, with sound effects!
2021 – A date for your diary:
We start our campaigning year with our Zoom AGM & Campaign Meeting on Tuesday 19th January 2021 at 7.30pm.
Our Guest Speaker this year will be from national anti-privatisation campaign group ‘We Own It”
It is a good opportunity to find out what we have been doing and help us plan our next steps – you will be most welcome. The Zoom link available on request.
Wishing everyone a Happy Xmas & New Year


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