Despite Covid we have still had some good protests this year, including our celebration of the NHS 73rd Birthday in July and have recently resumed Street Stalls in Ealing, West Ealing and Greenford.
So a big thanks to everyone who has supported us over the year.
We have focused on spreading the word about the dangers to our NHS of the Health & Care Bill- yet another Government major re-organisation, just when the NHS is under the most enormous pressures and nearly 6 million people are stuck on waiting lists!
And have also been highlighting the Mental Health Crisis and the lack of any beds in Ealing for children, young people and adults.
‘Misconduct in Public Office’ says Peoples Covid Inquiry:
The Peoples Covid Inquiry has been a tremendous achievement by ‘Keep Our NHS Public’. Following months of interviews and evidence gathering the final report was presented at a successful Press Launch on 1st December.
Accusing the government of “serious governance failures”, the Peoples Covid Inquiry said: “These contributed to tens of thousands of avoidable deaths and suffering, and they amount to misconduct in public office.”

Some of the press coverage is well worth reading, link here

The Inquiry Chair, Michael Mansfield QC, said there had been dismal failure in the face of manifestly obvious risks”.

He said the probe had identified a “theme of behaviour amounting to gross negligence by the government, whether examined singularly or collectively”.
“There were lives lost and lives devastated, which was foreseeable and preventable. “From lack of preparation and coherent policy, unconscionable delay, through to preferred and wasteful procurement, to ministers themselves breaking the rules, the misconduct is earth-shattering.”


1. The depleted state of the NHS and other public services prior to the pandemic was a determining factor in poor outcomes and led to avoidable deaths.

2. The government was poorly prepared for the pandemic and moved too slowly, which led to avoidable death.

3. The government adopted the wrong strategy leading to loss of life and growing mistrust in its advice.

4. The government’s poor record on inequalities has put the most vulnerable at risk from illness and death from Covid-19.

5. Misconduct in public office: There has been dismal failure in the face of manifestly obvious risks.

You can read a Summary and the Full Report here:

And, of course we will keep you updated on any legal action against the Government!

Our Last Stall of the Year:
It’s been lovely to be able to talk to people again on the streets about what’s happening to our NHS and to hear their concerns. We had lots of support in Ealing and West Ealing, while Greenford was as welcoming as usual on December 4th. We gave out lots of our leaflets opposing the Health & Care Bill and on the Mental Health crisis. Most popular was our Petition calling on the NHS to urgently provide acute psychiatric beds for adults, children and young people in this Borough. 13 people braved the cold to help – what stars!
PHOTO 2 - Greenford Stall _n
PHOTO 3 - Greenford Stall.12.21
ESON joins Protests Against the Health & Care Bill:
Despite the unprecedented pressure on the NHS with queuing ambulances, patients on trolleys, 6 million people on waiting lists and GPs unable to cope, this Government is more interested in pushing through a major re-organisation so they can exercise more control of the NHS and open it to even more privatisation.
In November we joined in a very lively protest in London against the Health & Care Bill, on the eve of the Third Reading. Unsurprisingly the Bill went through the Commons and is now in the Lords – where there will be further attempts to amend some of the worse aspects.
We had a good turn out from Ealing and were pleased to see Rupa Huq MP speaking on the platform. It was a real coming together of different campaigns, MPs and unions with much determination to fight on to defend our NHS.
Anti-privatisation campaign group ‘We Own It’ are asking people to help lobby Members of the House of Lords. By signing and circulating their Petition. It asks the Lords to amend the Health and Care Bill to stop private companies sitting on NHS boards and make the NHS the default provider.
Please sign it here
Round up of News from Ealing Hospital & London North West NHS Trust:
To cope with the increasing Winter pressures more beds have opened at Ealing Hospital and Intensive Care beds have increased to 12 at Ealing and 24 at Northwick Park (NWP). The London Ambulance Service has been asked to ease the pressure on Northwick Park by equalising ambulances between Ealing and Northwick. (It’s a good job the Ealing A&E is still there to help!)
Improvements are being made slowly in the Maternity Service at Northwick Park Hospital following its very poor rating by the Inspectors.
Plans to restructure the Breast Service are underway and it seems likely that a substantial part of the service will be centralised at Northwick Park, although the Trust claims they are still maintaining Clinics at Ealing and Central Middlesex Hospital at the same time – they are producing a Report in January and we are ready to campaign if necessary.
It is unusual for services to return to Ealing Hospital once they are cut, but common sense has prevailed at last and the Trauma Service will be re-opening in the New Year. This means that ambulances with trauma patients will no longer be diverted to Northwick Park – definitely good news.
Have Your Say – Review of End of Life /Palliative Care Services:

A major review of ‘community based’ specialist palliative care services is being carried out by the North West London NHS. They say that whilst there are some excellent services , not all residents in North West London get the same quality or level of services or are even able to access these services, which they want to address.

By community-based they mean; hospice in patient or day care, such as Meadow House in Ealing Hospital, care homes, community hospital or in the patient’s home. But it doesn’t include hospital based end of life/palliative care, district nursing or GP services.
They are carrying out a series of ‘engagement’ events to get the views of people with experience of end of life /palliative services. We hope that this is a genuine attempt to improve services, which are a bit of a patchwork and won’t lead to cuts in our local services.

NWL NHS has published a document setting out why they are carrying out this review and have invited comments from residents. There is also a survey for people to complete.

The closing dates for people to give their views is Weds 23rd February 2022

You can read more about the issues and how to get involved here –

Some good reading on Health & Social Care:
The December issue of the excellent Health Campaigns Together Bulletin is packed with the latest news and analysis on what’s happening to our health services – something you can’t read in the Media! Among the many interesting articles is news of the ‘End of Virgin Care’ and ‘SOS NHS’ a new campaign to save health & social care plus the ongoing scandals of privatisation and dirty deals.
You can read it here –
2022 – A date for your diary:
We will start our campaigning year with our Zoom AGM & Campaign Meeting on Tuesday 18th January 2022 at 7.30pm.
It is a good opportunity to find out what we have been doing and help us plan our next steps, so why not come along, you will be most welcome.


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