“Are we going to fight for the NHS – YES WE ARE!!”

This was the was the resounding call at todays uplifting protest.

Over 70 people turned out for today’s SOS NHS Day of Action to show their support for our NHS and its workers. Lots of people driving by in cars, vans and buses who constantly beeped and took our leaflets.

Around the country there were over 80 similar events calling for emergency NHS funding now; pay justice for health & care workers and a publicly owned and run NHS.

A big thanks to all our speakers who did us proud expressing both passion and anger and urging us on to fight on to defend and save our NHS. And of course we had plenty of chants in between.

There was a really great turnout from all our lovely campaigners and supporters as usual. We were also joined by Dr Sonia Adesera from Keep Our NHS Public, Virendra Sharma MP and Dr Onkar Sahota, Ealing Reclaim Social Care Action Group, Southall Community Alliance, Seniors Action Group Ealing, Ealing Housing Co-op, Green Party, Indian Workers Association and Stand Up to Racism.

Thanks to all those who came and to Ealing Trades Union Council for all their help and support.

We certainly did show that we are here to fight for our NHS and support NHS workers all the way!


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