At the end of our short march on Saturday 12th March, a rally took place outside Perceval House in Ealing. We have a short video with excepts of some of the speeches.

Ealing Save Our NHS, some speakers from Ealing Save Our NHS on Vimeo.

Consultant Paediatrician Tony O’Sullivan said:

“No paediatricians, no guarantee of paediatric nurses, I just think that this is absolutely disgraceful people will die from that and some of them will be children.”

Mary Lynch a nurse and a mother of three children added:

A few years ago, out of the blue, my son had a grand mal seizure, it was extremely frightening even for me. The ambulance team came, stabilised him and then we were brought to Ealing where a whole team were waiting for us and brought us to the Paediatric Ward. And it did not happen once, it happened twice. For me, I have two other children at home, I had to go with James to the Paediatric Ward and leave them on their own at home and it meant a lot to me that I could get home quickly…”

Helen Laycock a junior doctor and mother living in Ealing said:

“I am sorry Mr Hunt and Mr Cameron, we provide an emergency 7 day NHS already. I should know. I have worked nights and weekends for the last ten years providing it. So don’t tell us that we don’t”.

Merril Hammer from Save our Hospitals Hammersmith and Charing Cross also spoke at the rally:

Just as the closure of A&Es across North West London shows disregard to the health needs of local people. Just as the closure of the Maternity  Unit in Ealing denies the needs of young women and their families to local provision. the proposedclosure of the Paediatric Ward demostrates only too clearly that the needs of children of ordinary people are not important to the ultra wealthy who form our Government. “



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