Julia Farrington from Shropshire Defend our NHS wrote to Ealing Save our NHS:

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#f0e9c3″ border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Hello from a fellow campaign. Our Womens and Childrens Department was closed a few years ago at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and it has caused chaos.   The Royal Shrewsbury has an A&E department, which is due for closure too but it is still the trauma centre and has to accept paediatric patients, it a farce and dangerous. The sister hospital is the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford some 15 minutes away on a blue light…if there’s an ambulance available, if the roads are clear, no road works, no rtcs. The management team were repeatedly warned by senior staff in Paediatrics and the Emergency Department, they now regret ‘ the hasty decision to move Women and Childrens Department’
to one site. I am a mother with a child who has been in resuscitation area of the Emergency Department with a hospital minutes away that we now cannot access, it is frightening! I wish you all the best and please have a look at our website, Shropshire Defend Our NHS but we are a rural campaign with different dangers but we are all trying to do the same thing, I just wish we were listened to![/dropshadowbox]

While we have “Shaping a Healthier Future”, in Shropshire they have “Future Fit” but have a look at their website, it all sounds very much the same. You can also find Shropshire Defend Our NHS on Facebook.



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