Vote to Save Our NHS’
It’s the last week of the election so we are stepping up our campaigning with leafletting of stations, schools and this Saturday it’s our Xmas Day of Action. If you can join us at any point, we would love to see you.
There are lots of reasons to think NHS when you vote, including the possible inclusion of the NHS in future trade deals with the USA. Whilst both Boris Johnson and Donald Trump have denied the NHS will be on the table, at least 6 secret talks have taken place between Government NHS Ministers and US Trade Officials.
Much closer to home, the London North West NHS Trust who run Ealing Hospital are desperately struggling to meet their ‘cuts targets’ and reduce their deficit whilst at the same time keeping patients safe. This is what 9 years of underfunding and Government NHS policy really means.
Please read on for more revelations about our NHS and our Campaign Diary.
We have had a great response from the public and overwhelming support for the NHS as a key election issue which is so heartening.
Please find below our upcoming Vote NHS action – we would love to see you.
ESON Xmas Day of Action – this Sat 7th December:
Please come and join us as we tour round the local shopping centres with leaflets and our decorated loudspeaker car with our ‘Vote to Save Our NHS’ posters.
We start from Southall Town Hall at 11.00am, aiming to do about an hour in each place, then off to West Ealing Sainsbury’s for 12.30. After a lunch break in Ealing Broadway around 1.45 pm in Pret a Manger, our last stop is Marks & Spencer at 2.45 pm. Just come along or ring me on 07960 309457.
Leafletting at Tube Stations:
Help very much appreciated with leafletting on –
Monday 9th December – 7.30 – 8.30 am at South Ealing tube.
Tuesday 10th December – 7.30 – 8.30am at Ealing Common tube.
Wednesday 11th December – eve of election leafleting at Ealing Broadway Station from 5.30 – 7.00pm, followed by a well-deserved drink – Vote, Vote NHS!
Hospital beds numbers at record low:
Over 17,000 beds have been cut from the NHS since 2010 leaving the number of beds at the lowest ever since records began. This includes over 9000 acute beds and more than 5,000 mental health beds, despite the ongoing scandal of mental health patients being sent hundreds of miles from home because no bed is available locally. The loss of beds has triggered warning from medical bodies such as the BMA
Dr Rob Harwood, chair of the British Medical Association’s consultants committee, said: “It is extremely worrying that despite the BMA’s warning of a year ago that 10,000 extra beds were needed, the numbers of hospital beds had actually fallen to a new record low.
“These figures show the seriousness of the situation confronting patients this winter and can only add to the day-to-day struggles faced by our NHS frontline staff.”
Thanks heavens they didn’t manage to close 600 beds at Ealing & Charing Cross Hospital as was planned by NHS bosses!
You can read more on this story here –
Ambulance Service to take fewer patients to A&Es:
Yet another winter crisis is upon us with patients already being treated on trolleys in Ealing and elsewhere. The London Ambulance Service has now announced plans to reduce the pressure on A&Es by treating more people in their own homes, referring them to GPs or community services. Last month not a single London A&E met the target of seeing and discharging or admitting 95 per cent of patients within four hours. Our NHS desperately needs proper funding not desperate measures!
More on this story here –
Health Campaigns Together Election Special:
A very informative and well written analysis of the election promises – well worth a read here.
Thanks for your continued support
Please tell everyone you know to ‘Vote to Save Our NHS’


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