And a big thank you to everyone who has supported us over the year
We won’t pretend that the election result was what we hoped for, far from it, but 2019 has definitely had its high points.
2019 – the Year that Ealing & Charing Cross A&E’s were finally saved!
Best of all in 2019 was of course the dropping of the ‘Shaping a Healthier Future’ cuts plan in March by the Government. Had the plan been fully enacted then Ealing & Charing Cross Hospitals would have lost their A&Es and up to 600 beds. It was a great victory for campaigners, local Councils and everyone in our communities, who supported the fight and shows you can win!
Sadly along the way we lost Hammersmith & Central Middlesex A&Es, both of which have also lost their night time Urgent Care Centres and our lovely Maternity Unit and Childrens Ward & A&E at Ealing Hospital.
Possibly £200 million+ has been wasted on their unworkable plans (£76 million on management consultants) and no apologies or lessons learnt!
ESON Election Campaign warmly received by the Public
Over the course of the election campaign we gave out 12,000 leaflets and loads of stickers. Everywhere we went we had lots of encouragement and support.
On Saturday 7th December we had our Xmas Day of Action: The streets of Ealing echoed with the sounds of “Vote to Save Our NHS” from our car loudspeaker and there were lots of smiles and thumbs up as we went by. Twenty people joined in to help leaflet in Ealing, West Ealing & Southall shopping centres.
On the streets of Southall – our decorated campaign car!
Thanks to everyone who helped and stopped to talk – so nice to know our campaign is valued.
Keep Our NHS Public has published a short post-election assessment and the task ahead –
#NHSforAll: Please help fund the fightback:
Keep Our NHS Public has launched a fundraising appeal so that we have a strong national voice defending our NHS and holding the Government to account. KONP were really supportive when we were fighting the closure of our Maternity Unit and Childrens Ward and being part of an NHS movement round the country has certainly kept us going the last 7 years.
Please support the Appeal and help fund the fight to save our NHS
Bored over Xmas?
Try this fun and Interactive Quiz – ‘Hospital Millions’
Designed by John Lister (Health Campaigns Together) for up to 4 players on a computer, with sound effects! Try it here!
2020 – A few diary dates:
In 2020 we intend to keep on pressing for services removed from Ealing Hospital to be restored and of course to campaign against any further cuts or privatisation. It would be great if some of you could join us!
We start our campaigning year with Our AGM & Campaign Meeting on Tuesday 21st January 2020 at 7.30pm, Northfields Community Centre. It is a good opportunity to find out what we have been doing and help us plan our next steps, so why not come along.
On Saturday 25th January we will be back on the streets with Street Stalls in Pitshanger Lane (Co-op by Albert Road) and Greenford Broadway from 11.00 -1.00pm (near the Wishing Well Pub). You will most welcome to join us.



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