Thanks to those of you who joined our Campaign Meeting on Tuesday. Our guest speaker, Dr Jackie Applebee was excellent and provided a chilling account of how GP services have been opened up to private companies.
Whilst Ealing GP surgeries are not directly affected by the Operose/Centene takeover at this time, the nature of some GP contracts mean they can be taken over by private companies. We clearly need to find out exactly which GPs are on these contracts and keep a very watchful eye.
Nationwide protests took place on Thursday to call for Centene to be kicked out and next on the list is Serco.

Please find below details of our upcoming Serco protest on Tuesday 27th April

Please join our protest – ‘Fix contact tracing, Scrap Serco:
National Day of Action – Tuesday 27th April

Ealing Save Our NHS is supporting this Day of Action organised by ‘We Own It‘ and will be holding a socially distanced protest outside Ealing Town Hall.

There will be placards, banners and some leaflets to give out. A copy of our leaflet is here

We are delighted be out on the streets again, but want everyone to be safe, so please wear a mask (gloves will be provided for those of you happy to give out leaflets).

Serco have been handed billions to run their failed contact tracing system. Their contract ends on May 15th and so there is still time to put pressure on Secretary of State, Matt Hancock not to renew.

The Government has had to admit that their system isn’t working and has handed over more contact tracing to local teams, but it’s nowhere near enough.
Now, we need to end Serco’s contracts once and for all.
Please join us on Tuesday 27th April, 12.30 – 1.30pm

Outside Ealing Town Hall.


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